Sunday, April 21, 2013

We are so excited about Spring we wet our plants!

We figured since we are finally seeing the beginnings of Spring it was time to officially talk about our site  (we promise to be short and sweet).  The marketplace portion of the website simply came from the need to split our large plants and over grown spots of our gardens.... The problem was; we all had overgrown gardens and when we split the plants, none of us had room for the others plants.  So essentially, this is where the idea for the garden classifieds came from.  We don't want to just throw out our extra plants... we want to find people who need more plants for their gardens and give our plants a new home!  Not to mention the bumper crop of tomatoes we have each year... waaaaaay more then our families can eat, so we post them up on the site and trade or sell them.  It keeps the veggies from going to waste and people who don't have the space to do a vegetable garden still get to enjoy homegrown veggies!

The marketplace operates much like most online classified sites do (Craigs List, Kijiji and so on).  If you see something you want to buy or trade you contact the seller and make arrangements with them,  its a simple as that.  We do recommend you read our help page if you are using the site for the fist time for guidelines on how to safely connect with buyers or sellers.

There are so many "garden things" you can use the marketplace for, not just plants and seeds.  Some of us here at TradeMyFlowers make things for the garden like planters, lanterns and yes one of us even makes cool picnic tables (we will hopefully see them up in the listings soon).  And there is a spot to buy/sell/trade old (or new) gardening books and magazines.  If its for your garden, there is a place to list it on the site.

Now is the time to be thinking about starting seeds, and we've got some pretty cool seed listings on the site, take a look  and see if there is anything you a have been wanting to add to your garden.

And "hey you, you with all of the seeds from last year's garden... start listing them on our site!  You can trade to get some new seeds you don't have or you can sell your extra seeds for some extra money!  Tell you what, we will even include a quick and hilariously bad video on how to place a listing on our site."


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