Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring must be in the air.. It has to be

I know there were conflicting reports with our small (and sometimes not so small) Groundhog friends this year... But I do think we are going to see an early Spring.  And I for one can hardly wait!  It hasn't been a long cold winter, and aside from a few major snows, there hasn't been a silly amount of snow to deal with, but I still have this urge to hurry mother nature along and get the Spring show on the road!  I planted some of my rembrant tulip bulbs (lovely Christmas present) in the house a few weeks ago to force some early spring of my own and they have started to come up!  I am excited to have them bloom in the house, but more importantly I take this as a good sign that Spring is right around the corner.  There is really no logic behind this "sign" I forced the little suckers to sprout....but I am taking all I can get! 

Comment if you have seen any signs of Spring!

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